Procurement Expert

CRB helps you from taking guess work within the construction selection process and to serve as a go-to resource for your construction projects within Uganda and the greater East African region. Whether you are a government agency, NGO or a Contractor looking for the right sub-contractor for your project, whether your project involves improvements or new, or you are planning a commercial development project or big infrastructure development, CRB Procurement Specialist team (s) can help you find the right teams and companies to resolve your problems.

Our Specialty
CRB Procurement Specialist team is a third party team that is only limited to the fields within the construction industry.

Guidelines The guidelines followed are;

  • World Bank (WB) Guidelines
  • Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) Guidelines of Uganda
  • African Development Bank (AfDB) Guidelines
  • Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Guidelines
  • In-house made guidelines


  • UNRA (unra.go.ug) outsourced CRB Procurement Specialist team to evaluate bids for international contractors for Double Bitumen Surface Treated (DBST) road projects
  • Several international and local contractors have sourced for procurement advisory services from CRB
  • Uganda Clays outsourced CRB Procurement Specialist team to prequalify service providers on her behalf